Pricing for real estate investors
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Frequently asked questions
Can I sort my data to target specific properties or locations?
Absolutely! You can sort your data by property types, zip codes, property value, and other housing attributes. Moreover, you can set these filters as “rules” for us, and we'll apply them to your list moving forward, ensuring your marketing efforts are precise.
What determines the number of records I receive each month?
The records you get monthly vary depending on the county's size, our system's confidence level in the data for that county, and the county's current market conditions.
Will my list of motivated individuals remain consistent each month?
Lists can differ month-to-month. In stable markets, most counties experience a 3-5% change. However, in volatile markets, the change can range from 15-50%, depending on specific market dynamics.
What if I require more records than provided?
We can adjust our model to be less strict, increasing your record count. However, we recommend focusing on the highest confidence data for optimal results. Remember, we don't set a cap; we provide what our system deems best.
I noticed some numbers didn't transition to my texting platform. Why?
Our skip tracing typically yields a 60% landline and 40% mobile number distribution. Most texting platforms exclude landlines during uploads.
Predictive data vs. Stacked data: What's the difference?
Stacked data relies on a few basic data points like liens or pre-foreclosures. In contrast, predictive data, like what we use, aggregates over 900 unique data points per property. We analyze these points against historical data to make future predictions on properties likely to be sold to investors. Predictive data's comprehensive approach makes it superior.
Can you break down DataFlik's offerings?
Certainly! We specialize in two primary areas: predictive data combined with skip tracing, and digital advertising.
How should I best utilize the data you provide?
Your budget largely determines the optimal use of our data. While we champion omni-channel marketing, we recognize it might be beyond some investors' means. During onboarding, we'll review various marketing channels to determine the best fit for your use case.
Do you offer any annual subscription options?
Yes, we do. You'll receive a two-month discount if you pay for a year upfront. Otherwise, billing is monthly.
How frequently is the data at DataFlik updated?
Our update frequency depends on the data source and county. Some update daily, others weekly, and some monthly.
Does DataFlik offer unique skip tracing and regular updates?
DataFlik is renowned for its unmatched skip-tracing capabilities. Additionally, we ensure our data remains relevant through frequent updates.