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Transforming thousands of data points into useful business insights

Pinpoint high-opportunity areas, plan direct mail campaigns with block-by-block breakdowns, and invest wisely with our Market Strength Score.

Buy box finder

Input your buy box criteria or experiment with new ideas to discover the percentage of investor transactions available each month in your market.
Square footage
Year built
Property value
Bed count
Bath count
Buy box % match
Total list count
Direct mail count
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Neighborhood insights

Easily view and compare neighborhoods within your target county. Analyze off-market competition, transaction volumes, and median home values to make strategic decisions.
Last 9/mo investor sales
Off-market competition
Median home value
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County overview

Access detailed metrics about your chosen county, including off-market and on-market statistics, recent sales, and current listings. Evaluate opportunities with our market strength score.
Monthly avg. transactions
Market strength score
Off-market competition
On-market competition
Median home value
Homes sold last month
Median days on market
Homes on market
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Rental market analytics

Gain valuable insights into property characteristics, ownership trends, and rental prices to identify the best rental investment opportunities.
Average market rent
Homeownership rate
Gross rental yield
Rental comparison
Types of homes
Home size by # of bedrooms
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Explore your market with full access

Sign up now to gain complete access to Market Map features for one county. Or, schedule a free demo with one of our experts to learn how you can win more deals in your chosen market.

Your Complimentary Access Includes:

Competition analysis
Powerful data on market competition, and every metric you need to identify the path of least resistance.
Market dynamics
Key metrics on homes sold, days on the market, and active listings to forecast trends.
Strategic insights
Our proprietary Market Strength Score to pinpoint exactly where your marketing can make the biggest impact.